Soul Spiced Rum 500ml
SPICED SOUL - a Caribbean Rum with Vanilla and caramel cr?me. With nutmeg, a dash of cinnamon, a little clove note, coffee beans and oak. SPICED SOUL is aimed at the rising spiced rum segment and appears in a bold matte red bottle finished in crisp black and white label-less print. SOUL?s philosophy is to get your groove on. Looking back to a time when Soul Train and Northern Soul influenced culture.
Alcohol Vol. 37.5%
SPICED SOUL - a Caribbean Rum with Vanilla and caramel cr?me. With nutmeg, a dash of cinnamon, a little clove note, coffee beans and oak. SPICED SOUL is aimed at the rising spiced rum segment and appears in a bold matte red bottle finished in crisp black and white label-less print. SOUL?s philosophy is to get your groove on. Looking back to a time when Soul Train and Northern Soul influenced culture.
Alcohol Vol. 37.5%