Ron Barcelo Anejo 700ml
A beautifully smooth, sweet Dominican rum from Ron Barceló Añejo is a perfect mixer and works tremendously well in a variety of dark rum cocktails, or you could just have it with a few ice cubes and a squeeze of fresh lime.
Nose: Sweet, chocolate-led nose with notes of fresh herbs, butterscotch, a hint of pepper and almond.
Palate: Rounded and medium-bodied with espresso beans, dark chocolate, manuka honey and toasted hazelnut.
Finish: Good length with black pepper and cinnamon spices.
Alcohol. 37.5%
A beautifully smooth, sweet Dominican rum from Ron Barceló Añejo is a perfect mixer and works tremendously well in a variety of dark rum cocktails, or you could just have it with a few ice cubes and a squeeze of fresh lime.
Nose: Sweet, chocolate-led nose with notes of fresh herbs, butterscotch, a hint of pepper and almond.
Palate: Rounded and medium-bodied with espresso beans, dark chocolate, manuka honey and toasted hazelnut.
Finish: Good length with black pepper and cinnamon spices.
Alcohol. 37.5%