Roberto Cavalli Vodka 700ml (due mid Oct)
"Roberto Cavalli Vodka is a flavour masterpiece. Sophisticated, elegant and designed to please even the most demanding palate, this vodka was born of tradition and ages-old Italian distilling excellence. The result is a very clean, unique flavour with neutral aromas and just the slightest hint of cream and lemon zest. It goes into the mouth sweet, soft and well-balanced, a prelude to a dry, crystalline flavour. Its medium-full body unveils a delicate bouquet of sweet cream and spices that come together in a long creamy finish.
NOSE Clean and genuine aroma with a soft echo of citrus.
PALATE - Sweet, soft and well-balanced, with a fine, silky elegance
AFTERTASTE - Long and soft, with a minerality that gradually fades away."
Alc 40%
"Roberto Cavalli Vodka is a flavour masterpiece. Sophisticated, elegant and designed to please even the most demanding palate, this vodka was born of tradition and ages-old Italian distilling excellence. The result is a very clean, unique flavour with neutral aromas and just the slightest hint of cream and lemon zest. It goes into the mouth sweet, soft and well-balanced, a prelude to a dry, crystalline flavour. Its medium-full body unveils a delicate bouquet of sweet cream and spices that come together in a long creamy finish.
NOSE Clean and genuine aroma with a soft echo of citrus.
PALATE - Sweet, soft and well-balanced, with a fine, silky elegance
AFTERTASTE - Long and soft, with a minerality that gradually fades away."
Alc 40%