Ratu Signature 8YO Rum Liqueur 700ml
Complex charred oak and citrus aroma with a rich vanilla and candied orange flavour, combined with the warmth of cinnamon and star anise.
Ratu is a premium aged rum from the island of Fiji. Made from a blend of molasses and sugarcane juice, it is aged for a minimum of 8 years in charred oak barrels. The ageing process gives Ratu Rum a rich, complex flavour profile, making it perfect for sipping neat or mixing into your favourite cocktail. Its unique ageing process and blend of ingredients make it a must-try for any rum enthusiast. At Rum Runners, we are proud to offer this exceptional Fiji rum from the Pacific islands, for the rum lovers who seek for something special.
35% Alc
Complex charred oak and citrus aroma with a rich vanilla and candied orange flavour, combined with the warmth of cinnamon and star anise.
Ratu is a premium aged rum from the island of Fiji. Made from a blend of molasses and sugarcane juice, it is aged for a minimum of 8 years in charred oak barrels. The ageing process gives Ratu Rum a rich, complex flavour profile, making it perfect for sipping neat or mixing into your favourite cocktail. Its unique ageing process and blend of ingredients make it a must-try for any rum enthusiast. At Rum Runners, we are proud to offer this exceptional Fiji rum from the Pacific islands, for the rum lovers who seek for something special.
35% Alc