Platte Valley 700ml
"A good whiskey can be hard to find. Look no further than the American Made, Platte Valley Corn Whiskey. The combination of small batch distilling and our 36 month aging process gives Platte Valley all the character and taste that you'd expect from over 150 years of whiskey making history. Our hand crafted ceramic jugs and small batch process cause a limited supply, so get your hands on Platte Valley while you can!"
Alc 40%
"A good whiskey can be hard to find. Look no further than the American Made, Platte Valley Corn Whiskey. The combination of small batch distilling and our 36 month aging process gives Platte Valley all the character and taste that you'd expect from over 150 years of whiskey making history. Our hand crafted ceramic jugs and small batch process cause a limited supply, so get your hands on Platte Valley while you can!"
Alc 40%