Nordes Gin 700ml
Nordes is Galicia's very own premium gin, which was created as a celebration of its native land and has quickly become a revolutionary gin, taking the familiar to the next level with its authentic feel and exquisite flavour.
Part of what makes Nordes Gin so unique is its base spirit, made using albarino grapes - something which gives it a smooth aroma with notes of fruit and white flowers. It also has 11 botanicals, 6 of which grow wild in Galicia and give it its fresh, balsamic character. The result is a well-balanced flavour which puts it firmly amongst the very best premium gins around, and makes it the perfect treat for enjoying in good company.
Alc 40%
Nordes is Galicia's very own premium gin, which was created as a celebration of its native land and has quickly become a revolutionary gin, taking the familiar to the next level with its authentic feel and exquisite flavour.
Part of what makes Nordes Gin so unique is its base spirit, made using albarino grapes - something which gives it a smooth aroma with notes of fruit and white flowers. It also has 11 botanicals, 6 of which grow wild in Galicia and give it its fresh, balsamic character. The result is a well-balanced flavour which puts it firmly amongst the very best premium gins around, and makes it the perfect treat for enjoying in good company.
Alc 40%