Mt Fyffe Shearwater Gin 750ml
Small Batch Artisan Botanical Gin – Rosehip, Seaweed & Blue Borage Infused.
Imagine standing on the coast, take a big breath of fresh sea air…. welcome to Shearwater Gin! Coming from Kaikoura, I was excited to see how local seaweed would work in a gin. To gain a balance I used floral flavours of rosehip and blue borage found in the mountains and along with the three other main gin botanicals discovered this unique tasting oceanic gin.
42% ABV
Small Batch Artisan Botanical Gin – Rosehip, Seaweed & Blue Borage Infused.
Imagine standing on the coast, take a big breath of fresh sea air…. welcome to Shearwater Gin! Coming from Kaikoura, I was excited to see how local seaweed would work in a gin. To gain a balance I used floral flavours of rosehip and blue borage found in the mountains and along with the three other main gin botanicals discovered this unique tasting oceanic gin.
42% ABV