Mermaid Salt Vodka 700ml
A vodka from the Isle of Wight made with a small amount rock sea salt to evoke the fresh sea air and the saltiness on your lips after a day at the coast, or indeed sailing on the surrounding waters!
A-does-what-it-says-on-the-tin vodka with that slight sea salt salinity creating an enjoyable sea sipper. It's in cocktails that this particularly shines, though, where the salt can really bring flavours to life.
Alcohol Vol. 40%
A vodka from the Isle of Wight made with a small amount rock sea salt to evoke the fresh sea air and the saltiness on your lips after a day at the coast, or indeed sailing on the surrounding waters!
A-does-what-it-says-on-the-tin vodka with that slight sea salt salinity creating an enjoyable sea sipper. It's in cocktails that this particularly shines, though, where the salt can really bring flavours to life.
Alcohol Vol. 40%