Matsui Gin The Hakuto 700ml
With an emphasis on the Japanese pear, ?Nashi?, this special product of Tottori prefecture draws upon 9 botanicals; juniper berries, coriander seed, orange peel, yuzu peel, Wakayama ginger, green tea, cherry blossom and black pepper. The scent evokes refreshing citrus fruit combined with tasting notes of sweet pear, black pepper and spicy Wakayama ginger. A distinctly Japanese craft gin from Matsui Shuzo.
Alc 40%
With an emphasis on the Japanese pear, ?Nashi?, this special product of Tottori prefecture draws upon 9 botanicals; juniper berries, coriander seed, orange peel, yuzu peel, Wakayama ginger, green tea, cherry blossom and black pepper. The scent evokes refreshing citrus fruit combined with tasting notes of sweet pear, black pepper and spicy Wakayama ginger. A distinctly Japanese craft gin from Matsui Shuzo.
Alc 40%