Luxardo Fernet 700ml
Commercial Description
"A strong bitter amaro, Luxardo Fernet undergoes prolonged infusion of herbs and spices such as licorice, condurango, cardamom, cinnamon, and including the rare gentian and saffron. Fernet Luxardo is known for its ability to stimulate the digestion. It is more and more used in cocktails thanks to its intense particular flavour."
Alcohol Vol. 40%
Commercial Description
"A strong bitter amaro, Luxardo Fernet undergoes prolonged infusion of herbs and spices such as licorice, condurango, cardamom, cinnamon, and including the rare gentian and saffron. Fernet Luxardo is known for its ability to stimulate the digestion. It is more and more used in cocktails thanks to its intense particular flavour."
Alcohol Vol. 40%