Laurent Perrier Cuvee Rose 750ml
The Cuv?e Ros? Laurent-Perrier bottle, with its generous, curvaceous lines, is unique ? an invitation to self-indulgence. When Bernard de Nonancourt launched Cuv?e Ros? Laurent-Perrier in 1968, he decided to present his creation in a uniquely distinctive bottle to magnify this very special cuv?e. He found his inspiration in the rather stubby bottles manufactured in the time of King Henri IV, adding the seal-like monogrammed ?LP? shield. The packaging, which seemed very modern at the time, has gradually evolved since 1968. These days, Cuv?e Ros? Laurent-Perrier is sold in an extremely elegant presentation case reminiscent of the delicate colour of the wine and its Pinot Noir grapes. It is a highly-valued and much sought-after gift, the world over.
Alc 12%
The Cuv?e Ros? Laurent-Perrier bottle, with its generous, curvaceous lines, is unique ? an invitation to self-indulgence. When Bernard de Nonancourt launched Cuv?e Ros? Laurent-Perrier in 1968, he decided to present his creation in a uniquely distinctive bottle to magnify this very special cuv?e. He found his inspiration in the rather stubby bottles manufactured in the time of King Henri IV, adding the seal-like monogrammed ?LP? shield. The packaging, which seemed very modern at the time, has gradually evolved since 1968. These days, Cuv?e Ros? Laurent-Perrier is sold in an extremely elegant presentation case reminiscent of the delicate colour of the wine and its Pinot Noir grapes. It is a highly-valued and much sought-after gift, the world over.
Alc 12%