Knockando 12YO 700ml
- Single Malt
- Speyside
Foremost among the distilleries along the banks of the chill, clear waters of the Spey stands Knockando. Built by John Thompson in 1898 the Knockando distillery lies in the village of the same name, derived from the Gaelic 'Cnoc-an-dhu' meaning 'little black hill.' On the nose, Knockando is light and nutty/malty with some green pear, straw, dry spices. Estery and crisp. On the palate it is equally light and nutty with a touch of milk chocolate in the mid-palate. Soft, easy and ultra-clean with a crisp, short and dry finish. Simple, attractive and easy-drinking.
Alc 43%
- Single Malt
- Speyside
Foremost among the distilleries along the banks of the chill, clear waters of the Spey stands Knockando. Built by John Thompson in 1898 the Knockando distillery lies in the village of the same name, derived from the Gaelic 'Cnoc-an-dhu' meaning 'little black hill.' On the nose, Knockando is light and nutty/malty with some green pear, straw, dry spices. Estery and crisp. On the palate it is equally light and nutty with a touch of milk chocolate in the mid-palate. Soft, easy and ultra-clean with a crisp, short and dry finish. Simple, attractive and easy-drinking.
Alc 43%