Honest Six Spiced Botanical Rum 700ml
This blend of botanical spice and citrus is unique in both aroma and taste. To the nose notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger are released, with a powerful undertone of orange peel. The palate is warm, soothing and highly aromatic and the finish is both fresh and herbal.
Honest Rum is a natural product, unfined and unfiltered - which means that some natural settling of sediment may occur.
Alc 46%
This blend of botanical spice and citrus is unique in both aroma and taste. To the nose notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger are released, with a powerful undertone of orange peel. The palate is warm, soothing and highly aromatic and the finish is both fresh and herbal.
Honest Rum is a natural product, unfined and unfiltered - which means that some natural settling of sediment may occur.
Alc 46%