Highland Park 25YO 700ml*
The remarkable complexity of 25 YEAR OLD single malt whisky owes a great deal to its maturation in a high proportion of the finest quality first-fill Sherry seasoned European oak casks.
FLAVOURS Dark chocolate | Fudge | Heather honey | Warm Vanilla | Dried fruits
TRY WITH... Rich game and succulent dark meats served with sweet roasted root vegetables; chocolate-based puddings – think elegant white chocolate terrine or dark chocolate mousse served with an orchard fruit compote.
ABV 46%
The remarkable complexity of 25 YEAR OLD single malt whisky owes a great deal to its maturation in a high proportion of the finest quality first-fill Sherry seasoned European oak casks.
FLAVOURS Dark chocolate | Fudge | Heather honey | Warm Vanilla | Dried fruits
TRY WITH... Rich game and succulent dark meats served with sweet roasted root vegetables; chocolate-based puddings – think elegant white chocolate terrine or dark chocolate mousse served with an orchard fruit compote.
ABV 46%