Goslings Gold Rum 700ml
"For seven generations, the Gosling name stood for smooth, complex, deliciously dark rums. But times, and tastes, rarely stand still. Goslings Gold Rum ? our first new product in over 100 years ? is a world apart from traditional amber rums. Robust, yet remarkably soft. The result of years of sipping and perfecting, its intricate, luscious character lives up admirably to its impressive lineage. Admittedly, it wasn?t easy. But, by using only the finest distillates in strict accordance with techniques handed down over six generations, we finally created a distinctive amber rum that is impressing demanding rum enthusiasts everywhere."
Alc 40%
"For seven generations, the Gosling name stood for smooth, complex, deliciously dark rums. But times, and tastes, rarely stand still. Goslings Gold Rum ? our first new product in over 100 years ? is a world apart from traditional amber rums. Robust, yet remarkably soft. The result of years of sipping and perfecting, its intricate, luscious character lives up admirably to its impressive lineage. Admittedly, it wasn?t easy. But, by using only the finest distillates in strict accordance with techniques handed down over six generations, we finally created a distinctive amber rum that is impressing demanding rum enthusiasts everywhere."
Alc 40%