Gin Lane 1751 Victoria Pink Gin 700ml
First created by members of the British Royal Navy to balance out dry and sweet gins. Gin Lane 1751 takes their full-bodied London Dry base and harmoniously blends in an Angostura-like bitter for a wonderful flavour profile.
Style: Full-bodied gin with an infusion of naturally blended aromatic bitters.
Taste: Smooth, refreshing, and floral with a gentle hint of savory bitters. A very easy-to-drink gin that makes a great Gin & Tonic and adds a bit of colour to cocktails.
Alc 40%
First created by members of the British Royal Navy to balance out dry and sweet gins. Gin Lane 1751 takes their full-bodied London Dry base and harmoniously blends in an Angostura-like bitter for a wonderful flavour profile.
Style: Full-bodied gin with an infusion of naturally blended aromatic bitters.
Taste: Smooth, refreshing, and floral with a gentle hint of savory bitters. A very easy-to-drink gin that makes a great Gin & Tonic and adds a bit of colour to cocktails.
Alc 40%