Four Pillars Navy Strength Gin 700ml
"After experimenting with some exclusive batches of a high-proof gin for the Gin Palace we decided to add fresh 'Judy's Everbearing? native finger limes (alongside our beautiful organic oranges) for its first release in 2014. This fresh citrus goes into the botanical basket, with some fresh ginger, giving our Navy Strength Gin its signature power and intensity. The finger limes highlight the Asian spices like coriander and star anise, and are complemented by the fresh ginger. Then turmeric adds weight to the palate and a fresh but earthy quality, not unlike dill. The resulting gin has lifted aromatics of lime curd, pine needles, and fragrant spices with a vanilla character which pulls it all together. The palate is intense - sweet and juicy - but it is still very clean. And we're very pleased to announce that our Navy Strength Gin was recently awarded Best Gin at the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition 2016, and has been twice been awarded Master status at the Global Gin Masters (in 2015 and 2016)."
Alc 58.8%
"After experimenting with some exclusive batches of a high-proof gin for the Gin Palace we decided to add fresh 'Judy's Everbearing? native finger limes (alongside our beautiful organic oranges) for its first release in 2014. This fresh citrus goes into the botanical basket, with some fresh ginger, giving our Navy Strength Gin its signature power and intensity. The finger limes highlight the Asian spices like coriander and star anise, and are complemented by the fresh ginger. Then turmeric adds weight to the palate and a fresh but earthy quality, not unlike dill. The resulting gin has lifted aromatics of lime curd, pine needles, and fragrant spices with a vanilla character which pulls it all together. The palate is intense - sweet and juicy - but it is still very clean. And we're very pleased to announce that our Navy Strength Gin was recently awarded Best Gin at the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition 2016, and has been twice been awarded Master status at the Global Gin Masters (in 2015 and 2016)."
Alc 58.8%