Cutty Sark Prohibition 700ml
- Scottish Blends
Cutty Sark Prohibition is crafted as a salute to the famous Captain William "Bill" McCoy, who smuggled Cutty Sark Blended Scotch Whisky into America during the Prohibition era in the 1920s. Captain McCoy's impeccable reputation for not dealing with the mob, and for providing the finest, unadulterated liquor gave rise Cutty Sark being referred as "The Real McCoy".
Prohibition Edition is bottled at 50% ABV (100 Proof ? USA Measure), whilst the regular Cutty Sark blend is 40% ABV. This is a "small batch" blend of the finest single malts and top-quality grain whiskies. Hand-selected American oak casks give subtle signature flavours of vanilla and citrus fruits, whilst the overall flavours and finish are extremely smooth and thrillingly complex. The black glass bottle has a cork seal - reflecting the traditions of the time.
Nose: Complex and powerful with soft ripe citrus fruits, honey and vanilla.
Palate: Creamy richness, hints of toffee with peppery notes.
Finish: Super smooth with lingering warmth and subtle spices.
50% ABV
- Scottish Blends
Cutty Sark Prohibition is crafted as a salute to the famous Captain William "Bill" McCoy, who smuggled Cutty Sark Blended Scotch Whisky into America during the Prohibition era in the 1920s. Captain McCoy's impeccable reputation for not dealing with the mob, and for providing the finest, unadulterated liquor gave rise Cutty Sark being referred as "The Real McCoy".
Prohibition Edition is bottled at 50% ABV (100 Proof ? USA Measure), whilst the regular Cutty Sark blend is 40% ABV. This is a "small batch" blend of the finest single malts and top-quality grain whiskies. Hand-selected American oak casks give subtle signature flavours of vanilla and citrus fruits, whilst the overall flavours and finish are extremely smooth and thrillingly complex. The black glass bottle has a cork seal - reflecting the traditions of the time.
Nose: Complex and powerful with soft ripe citrus fruits, honey and vanilla.
Palate: Creamy richness, hints of toffee with peppery notes.
Finish: Super smooth with lingering warmth and subtle spices.
50% ABV