Cutty Sark 1000ml
- Scottish Blends
Cutty Sark is an iconic whisky; the distinctive yellow label has graced the world?s best bars and clubs for over 90 years. The first light-coloured blended whisky, it was launched at the height of cocktail culture and it has remained synonymous with enjoying great drinks in great company ever since. With its alluring golden and bright colour, fresh and enticing with vanilla and citrus fruits.Clean, balanced and lively with vanilla ice cream and caramel with a smooth; vibrant, sweet and uplifting ? finish that leaves you wanting more.
Alc 40%
- Scottish Blends
Cutty Sark is an iconic whisky; the distinctive yellow label has graced the world?s best bars and clubs for over 90 years. The first light-coloured blended whisky, it was launched at the height of cocktail culture and it has remained synonymous with enjoying great drinks in great company ever since. With its alluring golden and bright colour, fresh and enticing with vanilla and citrus fruits.Clean, balanced and lively with vanilla ice cream and caramel with a smooth; vibrant, sweet and uplifting ? finish that leaves you wanting more.
Alc 40%