Corralejo Blanco 700ml
Unaged tequila from Corralejo in Mexico. Bottled from their copper pot still, this Blanco is referred to as " The Truth" by Don Leonardo, founder of Corralejo, as it truly captures the character of the agave. Spicy and herbal with a touch of peppermint, the truth certainly tastes good. - Double distilled- 100% blue Webber agave- Higher than average agave sugar level
Alc. 40%
Unaged tequila from Corralejo in Mexico. Bottled from their copper pot still, this Blanco is referred to as " The Truth" by Don Leonardo, founder of Corralejo, as it truly captures the character of the agave. Spicy and herbal with a touch of peppermint, the truth certainly tastes good. - Double distilled- 100% blue Webber agave- Higher than average agave sugar level
Alc. 40%