Stolichnaya Vodka 200ml
A classic vodka which is authentically Russian. A clean white spirit with pure, neutral, flavours and an enduring crispness on the palate reminiscent of a Siberian glacier. A pure grain vodka that is only distilled in Russia. An alcoholic base was made by fermenting a mixture of fine winter wheat (rather than lesser grains like corn) and pure, soft glacial Siberian water. Three distillations produce highly refined strong spirits that were then filtered through quartz and activated charcoal leaving them pure.
Alc 40%
A classic vodka which is authentically Russian. A clean white spirit with pure, neutral, flavours and an enduring crispness on the palate reminiscent of a Siberian glacier. A pure grain vodka that is only distilled in Russia. An alcoholic base was made by fermenting a mixture of fine winter wheat (rather than lesser grains like corn) and pure, soft glacial Siberian water. Three distillations produce highly refined strong spirits that were then filtered through quartz and activated charcoal leaving them pure.
Alc 40%