Robert Burns Blended Whisky 700ml
- Scottish Blends
"Our official Arran Blended Whisky, endorsed by The Robert Burns World Federation. This is a delightfully smooth blend which contains a proportion of the renowned Arran Malt and compliments the Robert Burns Malt perfectly. It captures the character of our beautiful island of clear mountain water and soft sea air.
Colour: Amber-Gold
Nose: Raspberry and almond tart with hints of toasted oak and toffee.
Palate: Dry and light with hints of sweet apple and liquorice. A subtle hint of peatsmoke appears in the background."
40% Alc
- Scottish Blends
"Our official Arran Blended Whisky, endorsed by The Robert Burns World Federation. This is a delightfully smooth blend which contains a proportion of the renowned Arran Malt and compliments the Robert Burns Malt perfectly. It captures the character of our beautiful island of clear mountain water and soft sea air.
Colour: Amber-Gold
Nose: Raspberry and almond tart with hints of toasted oak and toffee.
Palate: Dry and light with hints of sweet apple and liquorice. A subtle hint of peatsmoke appears in the background."
40% Alc