Jagermeister 700ml
Jagermeister is a unique product with the full list of ingredients known to very few people. Bitter sweet herbal taste with a hint of liquorice. Once all 56 ingredients are sourced from across the globe they are weighed, ground and blended to create the extract. Following this the maceration stage occurs then it is stored in Oak barrels for a minimum of 1year. Following the storage; liquid sugar, caramel, water and alcohol is added and filtered. It is then bottled, packaged and distributed across the world.
Alcohol Vol 35%
Jagermeister is a unique product with the full list of ingredients known to very few people. Bitter sweet herbal taste with a hint of liquorice. Once all 56 ingredients are sourced from across the globe they are weighed, ground and blended to create the extract. Following this the maceration stage occurs then it is stored in Oak barrels for a minimum of 1year. Following the storage; liquid sugar, caramel, water and alcohol is added and filtered. It is then bottled, packaged and distributed across the world.
Alcohol Vol 35%