Deanston Virgin Oak 700ml
This beautiful malt is first matured in ex-bourbon casks,from a family run cooperage in Kentucky, giving the liquid a wonderful zesty character. It is then finished in new oak barrels, which add subtle spiced aromas to the whisky.
Tasting Notes
Nose - Heady virgin oak bursting with lemon zest and sweet barley sugar with delicious notes of apple and nutmeg.
Palate - A delightful sweetness evoking memories of candied fruits and vanilla toffee balanced with heather honey.
Finish - A satisfying light spice with a rewarding burst of honeyed malt and sweet oakiness.
Alc 46.3%
This beautiful malt is first matured in ex-bourbon casks,from a family run cooperage in Kentucky, giving the liquid a wonderful zesty character. It is then finished in new oak barrels, which add subtle spiced aromas to the whisky.
Tasting Notes
Nose - Heady virgin oak bursting with lemon zest and sweet barley sugar with delicious notes of apple and nutmeg.
Palate - A delightful sweetness evoking memories of candied fruits and vanilla toffee balanced with heather honey.
Finish - A satisfying light spice with a rewarding burst of honeyed malt and sweet oakiness.
Alc 46.3%