Brugal 1888 700ml
Commercial description
Brugal 1888 Doblemente A?ejado is a truly exceptional rum, crafted in the Dominican Republic, and combining the rich flavours of bourbon and sherry casks through a double-ageing process.
With notes of vanilla, red fruits and toffee intertwined with cocoa and natural oak spice Brugal 1888 is a wonderfully inviting spirit that is smooth, full of flavour and perfectly balanced.
Continually crafting wonder
Made with the accumulated expertise of 5 generations of maestros, their knowledge, intuition and skill brings out the very best in each and every blend and cask.
Reimagine your favourite stirred cocktail with Brugal 1888 to discover a Rum Negroni or a twist on an Old Fashioned with a wonderful depth of flavour. Or you can enjoy neat to discover a premium cask aged spirit that stimulates the senses and evolves in the glass.
Enjoy Brugal 1888 rum sip by sip.
A deep amber colour with rich red undertone. Clear and bright.
Well rounded and smooth with body and character. Perceived sweetness of toffee and vanilla balanced with peach, cocoa and cloves.
The sophisticated sweetness of red and dried fruits, raisins and dates, complement a spicy woodiness, with hints of cinnamon.
Remarkably long-lasting and elegant, with a hint of honey.
Alc 40%
Commercial description
Brugal 1888 Doblemente A?ejado is a truly exceptional rum, crafted in the Dominican Republic, and combining the rich flavours of bourbon and sherry casks through a double-ageing process.
With notes of vanilla, red fruits and toffee intertwined with cocoa and natural oak spice Brugal 1888 is a wonderfully inviting spirit that is smooth, full of flavour and perfectly balanced.
Continually crafting wonder
Made with the accumulated expertise of 5 generations of maestros, their knowledge, intuition and skill brings out the very best in each and every blend and cask.
Reimagine your favourite stirred cocktail with Brugal 1888 to discover a Rum Negroni or a twist on an Old Fashioned with a wonderful depth of flavour. Or you can enjoy neat to discover a premium cask aged spirit that stimulates the senses and evolves in the glass.
Enjoy Brugal 1888 rum sip by sip.
A deep amber colour with rich red undertone. Clear and bright.
Well rounded and smooth with body and character. Perceived sweetness of toffee and vanilla balanced with peach, cocoa and cloves.
The sophisticated sweetness of red and dried fruits, raisins and dates, complement a spicy woodiness, with hints of cinnamon.
Remarkably long-lasting and elegant, with a hint of honey.
Alc 40%