Bols Watermelon 700ml
Who can resist the taste of fresh watermelon? Especially when it's met with subtle hints of marzipan in a long and lingering finish. Bols Watermelon liqueur has a deliciously refreshing, well-balanced palate full of fruity, sweet and juicy flavours. With its coral red colour and distinctive, mouth-watering aromas, it is extremely diverse for various cocktails.
Alc 17%
Who can resist the taste of fresh watermelon? Especially when it's met with subtle hints of marzipan in a long and lingering finish. Bols Watermelon liqueur has a deliciously refreshing, well-balanced palate full of fruity, sweet and juicy flavours. With its coral red colour and distinctive, mouth-watering aromas, it is extremely diverse for various cocktails.
Alc 17%