Bols Melon 700ml
Bols Melon is a light emerald green liqueur based on the honeydew melon. It has a smooth and delicate melon taste with uniquely crisp finish and fresh, mild aroma of honeydew melon. Melon as a popular liqueur first came to prominence during the disco boom of the late 1970s, in globally popular drinks such as the Melon Martini and the Melon Sour. Can be enjoyed straight, on the rocks or in cocktails and mixed drinks.
Alc 17%
Bols Melon is a light emerald green liqueur based on the honeydew melon. It has a smooth and delicate melon taste with uniquely crisp finish and fresh, mild aroma of honeydew melon. Melon as a popular liqueur first came to prominence during the disco boom of the late 1970s, in globally popular drinks such as the Melon Martini and the Melon Sour. Can be enjoyed straight, on the rocks or in cocktails and mixed drinks.
Alc 17%