Bols Lychee 700ml
Bols Lychee fully captures the rich fruity mouth feel of fresh lychee fruit. Its distinctive fruity palate combines beautifully with a wide spectrum of tropical fruits with hints of rose, making the Bols Lychee a wonderfully tropical and aromatic liqueur. It’s made solely with natural ingredients and has an extremely versatile character. Our Master Distiller has developed a unique extraction process to obtain the rich lychee flavour from its fruit, resulting in a high-quality liqueur. Try it at home in a Lychee Martini cocktail.
Alc 17%
Bols Lychee fully captures the rich fruity mouth feel of fresh lychee fruit. Its distinctive fruity palate combines beautifully with a wide spectrum of tropical fruits with hints of rose, making the Bols Lychee a wonderfully tropical and aromatic liqueur. It’s made solely with natural ingredients and has an extremely versatile character. Our Master Distiller has developed a unique extraction process to obtain the rich lychee flavour from its fruit, resulting in a high-quality liqueur. Try it at home in a Lychee Martini cocktail.
Alc 17%