Amarula Vanilla Spice 700ml
Amarula Vanilla Spice is the original African Marula Fruit & cream liqueur with a creamy vanilla taste with warm spicy notes.
Distilled Marula fruit spirit, Madagascan vanilla extract & African ginger root are expertly blended with the finest quality cream for a rich and smooth taste.
Perfect chilled over ice, or even hot with coffee or latte.
Made from ethically sourced, uniquely African ingredients.
Alcohol Vol. 15.6%
Amarula Vanilla Spice is the original African Marula Fruit & cream liqueur with a creamy vanilla taste with warm spicy notes.
Distilled Marula fruit spirit, Madagascan vanilla extract & African ginger root are expertly blended with the finest quality cream for a rich and smooth taste.
Perfect chilled over ice, or even hot with coffee or latte.
Made from ethically sourced, uniquely African ingredients.
Alcohol Vol. 15.6%