Martini Prosecco 750ml
The proud Martini company of Turin are best known for their vermouths: Rosso, Bianco, and Extra Dry. But they also make a range of other products including this Prosecco. It's made from Glera grapes grown in the Fruili and Veneto regions of northern Italy. It's a delicious, frivolous sort of wine, slightly sweet, that makes a superb mixer. You could try it mixed with peach juice in that Venetian classic, the Bellini, or keep it in the family and mix it with Bianco vermouth to make a Martini Royale.
Very fresh fruit, floral with some sweet cakey notes. Gently sweet and sparkling, this is effortlessly drinkable.
Alcohol Vol. 11.5%
The proud Martini company of Turin are best known for their vermouths: Rosso, Bianco, and Extra Dry. But they also make a range of other products including this Prosecco. It's made from Glera grapes grown in the Fruili and Veneto regions of northern Italy. It's a delicious, frivolous sort of wine, slightly sweet, that makes a superb mixer. You could try it mixed with peach juice in that Venetian classic, the Bellini, or keep it in the family and mix it with Bianco vermouth to make a Martini Royale.
Very fresh fruit, floral with some sweet cakey notes. Gently sweet and sparkling, this is effortlessly drinkable.
Alcohol Vol. 11.5%