Penderyn Welsh Whisky Myth 700ml
Penderyn's 'Myth' is one of the newest expressions from this iconic Welsh distillery, and is a combination of whisky of different ages, all from ex-bourbon casks. The classic Penderyn profile of sweet fruit (apple, pear) mixes with a hint of citrus. The oak comes through more strongly on the palate and builds to a drying finish. A light and pleasant dram from Wales.
Alc 41%
Penderyn's 'Myth' is one of the newest expressions from this iconic Welsh distillery, and is a combination of whisky of different ages, all from ex-bourbon casks. The classic Penderyn profile of sweet fruit (apple, pear) mixes with a hint of citrus. The oak comes through more strongly on the palate and builds to a drying finish. A light and pleasant dram from Wales.
Alc 41%