Suntory Toki Whisky 700ml
Commercial Description:
Suntory Whisky Toki is a vivid blend of carefully selected whiskies from the globally acclaimed Yamazaki, Hakushu, and Chita distilleries, Toki overturns the conventional hierarchy between malt and grain. Silky with a subtly sweet and spicy finish, Toki is the new generation blend, embodying the proud heritage and innovative spirit of the award-winning House of Suntory Whisky, inviting people to discover modern and traditional Japan.
Nose: Basil, green apple, honey
Palate: Grapefruit, green grapes, peppermint, thyme
Finish: Subtly sweet and spicy finish with a hint of vanilla oak, white pepper and ginger
Alc 43%
Commercial Description:
Suntory Whisky Toki is a vivid blend of carefully selected whiskies from the globally acclaimed Yamazaki, Hakushu, and Chita distilleries, Toki overturns the conventional hierarchy between malt and grain. Silky with a subtly sweet and spicy finish, Toki is the new generation blend, embodying the proud heritage and innovative spirit of the award-winning House of Suntory Whisky, inviting people to discover modern and traditional Japan.
Nose: Basil, green apple, honey
Palate: Grapefruit, green grapes, peppermint, thyme
Finish: Subtly sweet and spicy finish with a hint of vanilla oak, white pepper and ginger
Alc 43%