Ballantines Blended 4500ml
Ballantine's Finest is a complex, refined and elegant blended Scotch whisky. It is regarded as the taste to satisfy a modern style. The brand's light gold colour and unmistakable taste come from a complex mix of carefully selected malt and grain whiskies all aged for at least three years, and many for much longer. The signature malt flavours of Miltonduff and Glenburgie give Ballantine's Finest hints of chocolate, red apple and vanilla.
Alcohol Vol 40%
Ballantine's Finest is a complex, refined and elegant blended Scotch whisky. It is regarded as the taste to satisfy a modern style. The brand's light gold colour and unmistakable taste come from a complex mix of carefully selected malt and grain whiskies all aged for at least three years, and many for much longer. The signature malt flavours of Miltonduff and Glenburgie give Ballantine's Finest hints of chocolate, red apple and vanilla.
Alcohol Vol 40%