Cascina S.Maria Lambrusco Rosato 750ml
The Lambrusco grapes used in the production of this wine are grown in Emilia. This semi-sweet rose wine gains its characteristic rich sparkle through the fermentation achieved with the "Charmat" method. Bright dusty pink in colour, this Lambrusco is fresh and fruity, savoury and aromatic; perfect with pizza, spaghetti and other pasta meals or as a party wine.
Alc 7.5%
The Lambrusco grapes used in the production of this wine are grown in Emilia. This semi-sweet rose wine gains its characteristic rich sparkle through the fermentation achieved with the "Charmat" method. Bright dusty pink in colour, this Lambrusco is fresh and fruity, savoury and aromatic; perfect with pizza, spaghetti and other pasta meals or as a party wine.
Alc 7.5%