Boxer Gin 700ml
Commercial description
The concept for Boxer Gin was simple: to create the finest classical style gin possible, using the best ingredients and most advanced techniques.
The intense flavour and aroma comes from our signature fresh botanicals- the finest juniper in the world and the planet's most complex citrus. Black Juniper is a rare varietal of the berry that only grows in the UV rich, pollution-free environment of the high Himalayas. Boxer's distinctive citrus notes come from the fresh cut peel of the Bergamot, grown organically in the sun-drenched groves of southern Italy. This extra dry balance is set against a traditional background blend of common juniper, warm aromatic spices, floral roots and aromatic peels.
Named after Thomas King, the notable 19th century boxer nicknamed "the Fighting Sailor", who famously enjoyed a tot of gin as part of his pre-fight ritual; we like to think Boxer Gin packs just as much of a punch.
Alc 40%
Commercial description
The concept for Boxer Gin was simple: to create the finest classical style gin possible, using the best ingredients and most advanced techniques.
The intense flavour and aroma comes from our signature fresh botanicals- the finest juniper in the world and the planet's most complex citrus. Black Juniper is a rare varietal of the berry that only grows in the UV rich, pollution-free environment of the high Himalayas. Boxer's distinctive citrus notes come from the fresh cut peel of the Bergamot, grown organically in the sun-drenched groves of southern Italy. This extra dry balance is set against a traditional background blend of common juniper, warm aromatic spices, floral roots and aromatic peels.
Named after Thomas King, the notable 19th century boxer nicknamed "the Fighting Sailor", who famously enjoyed a tot of gin as part of his pre-fight ritual; we like to think Boxer Gin packs just as much of a punch.
Alc 40%