Bollinger Rose 750ml
Commercial Description
Fresh as a Rose, balanced as a Bollinger. Bollinger Rose is an assembly of over 85% Grand and Premier crus. It is made up of 62% Pinot Noir, 24% Chardonnay and 14% Meunier. The red wine acts as an agent of style, with an addition of just 5 to 6% given its power.
To the eye - A bright rose with subtle golden hues.
To the nose - The nobility of red berries: hints of red currant, cherry and wild strawberry A spicy touch, not unlike Special Cuvee.
To the palate - A subtle combination of structure, length and vivacity, with a tannic finish due to the adjunction of red wine Bubbles as fine as velvet Flavours of wild berries.
Pairings - Crayfish, lobster, one-side cooked salmon Japanese cuisine or not-so-spicy Asian cuisine Fruit based dessert: fruit soup, strawberry tart, raspberries.
Alc 12%
Commercial Description
Fresh as a Rose, balanced as a Bollinger. Bollinger Rose is an assembly of over 85% Grand and Premier crus. It is made up of 62% Pinot Noir, 24% Chardonnay and 14% Meunier. The red wine acts as an agent of style, with an addition of just 5 to 6% given its power.
To the eye - A bright rose with subtle golden hues.
To the nose - The nobility of red berries: hints of red currant, cherry and wild strawberry A spicy touch, not unlike Special Cuvee.
To the palate - A subtle combination of structure, length and vivacity, with a tannic finish due to the adjunction of red wine Bubbles as fine as velvet Flavours of wild berries.
Pairings - Crayfish, lobster, one-side cooked salmon Japanese cuisine or not-so-spicy Asian cuisine Fruit based dessert: fruit soup, strawberry tart, raspberries.
Alc 12%