Antiquary 12YO 700ml
- Scottish Blends
A rounded, smooth blend, the Antiquary 12 year old is a great whisky which Jim Murray awarded an incredible 92 points to in his 2013 Whisky Bible. Crafted using Scotland?s most treasured malt and grain whiskies, all of which have been matured for over twelve years, The Antiquary 12 Year Old is light and delicate with a smooth, lingering finish.
AROMA - Peaty, earthy and solid, while in direct contrast displaying delicate fresh lemony lime characters. Nicely rounded and malty.
PALATE - Mellow yet feisty, predominately malty, citrus flavours come through well with a gentle peaty touch.
FINISH - Soft with a spicy tingle.
Alc 40%
- Scottish Blends
A rounded, smooth blend, the Antiquary 12 year old is a great whisky which Jim Murray awarded an incredible 92 points to in his 2013 Whisky Bible. Crafted using Scotland?s most treasured malt and grain whiskies, all of which have been matured for over twelve years, The Antiquary 12 Year Old is light and delicate with a smooth, lingering finish.
AROMA - Peaty, earthy and solid, while in direct contrast displaying delicate fresh lemony lime characters. Nicely rounded and malty.
PALATE - Mellow yet feisty, predominately malty, citrus flavours come through well with a gentle peaty touch.
FINISH - Soft with a spicy tingle.
Alc 40%